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A member registered May 05, 2018

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(1 edit)

Oh thank you very much, i was already so desperate, that i completely deleted, redownloaded and reinstalled ue4 and csgo :D

Edit: Yes, with the new version it creates materials-instances and decals as expected.

I get a lot of errors like this in the output log:


LogTemp: Warning: Could not find  , cutting down to smallest identifier.
LogTemp: Error: Could not find texture   for VMT asphalt/asphalt_b, aborting creation of material
LogTemp: Warning: Could not find  , cutting down to smallest identifier.
LogTemp: Error: Could not find texture   for VMT asphalt/asphalt_b1, aborting creation of material
LogTemp: Warning: Could not find  , cutting down to smallest identifier.
LogTemp: Error: Could not find texture   for VMT asphalt/asphalt_b1_blend, aborting creation of material
LogTemp: Warning: Could not find  , cutting down to smallest identifier.
LogTemp: Error: Could not find texture   for VMT asphalt/asphalt_b2, aborting creation of material


I'm trying to import the csgo materials and textures, but HammUEr seems to not being able to read the VMTs. It is importing the textures, but doesn't create material-instances.
Only when using the "create materials for not-used textures" dialog, it creates material-instances, but none of them uses the decal-material. (I exctracted the material files with gcfscape from csgo's pak01_dir.vpk and i'm using ue4.19)

Unreal Engine uses a Cache to store temporaly your materials and meshes. You can change this folder-destination to your other drive under Edit->Editor Preferences and then under General->Global->Local Derived Data Cache.